Thursday, July 5, 2012


Essential skills acquisition.

Talking it through together with the Maronka kids.

Anyone for a wash?

Neesha and Kate have been getting stuck in to life in Maronka but have also enjoyed their friendships with the young teachers they have been working alongside.
One thing that has struck them has been the differences between their own training and the distance training course the majority of the young Maronka teachers are doing.
At the moment, the Maronka teachers are not only preparing for their final residential in the summer and exams in October but also writing up their dissertations.  Here are some of Kate and Neesha's thoughts on the dissertations they have read:

During our time at EducAid, we have had the pleasure of working with a group of dedicated teachers. Alongside their hard work in the classroom a number of staff have juggled the responsibilities of training college and writing a dissertation (a difficult task, as we know too well.)
At this point, we would like to thank Agnes, Cobra and Issa for sharing their work with us.  Each has selected powerful and emotive topics for discussion such as early marriage, FGM and Encouraging patriotism in youth.
Reading and supporting the group in their work has not only opened our eyes to poignant issues in the community but also made us appreciate so much more the opportunities we have had in UK completing our own degrees.  The three have committed themselves to writing informative and thought provoking assignments.  In doing so, they have been faced with challenges such as limited access to computers and appropriate literature, internet through mobile phones including the expense of credit as well as time restrictions.  However, the work produced has been powerful enough to bring us to tears, particularly Agnes’ work on female circumcision whilst Cobra and Issa have been discussing insightful and sensitive issues and delivering inspirational outlooks for the future. 
We would like to finish by commending all the young staff at EducAid Maronka for their continual hard work whether in exams, studying or facing the challenge of writing a dissertation.  It has been a pleasure to work with these learners in their journey as well as experience our own.
Best wishes Kate and Neesha

If you are interested in knowing more about EducAid's work with vulnerable young Sierra Leoneans, please go to and

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